Texas House Passes Controversial Bill to Protect Female Athletes by Excluding Trans Athletes


AUSTIN – The Republican-controlled Texas House of Representatives passed a bill Thursday that would bar transgender students from playing on school sports teams based on their gender identities.

House Bill 25 would require that public school athletic teams must be based on students' genders on their birth certificates.

According to reports, Rep. Valoree Swanson, a Republican who sponsored the bill, has argued that it would protect equal participation of girls in school sports.

The University Interscholastic League, which governs K-12 public school sports in Texas, uses birth certificates to determine gender, but it recognizes certificates that are amended, according to its website.

The bill now goes to the GOP controlled Texas Senate for consideration and would then go to Gov. Greg Abbott to be signed into law.  

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CGM5, Fri, 10/15/2021 - 17:10

Men on average are larger than women. Men have more muscle mass than women. Men have more red blood cells than women which helps with their physical stamina. 

It doesn't matter if a man gets castrated, has breast implants and wears dresses, he should not be allowed to compete in athletic events against women. 

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