SAN ANGELO –– The fight to make San Angelo a Sanctuary City for the unborn continues –– even though the issue has not officially been added to the city council agenda as of this week.
Last week the agenda indicated Mayor Gunter and councilmembers would be meeting with attorneys during closed session to discuss the issue today.
But even as the issue remains up in the air, many San Angeloans came out in full force to show their support for the measure or voice their opposition. The convention center saw a surge of citizens who showed up to voice their thoughts or simply to be present.
Due to the large number of people showing up, many who were waiting to enter the convention center were told they could enter if they were speaking regarding an agenda item. A short time later, city staff announced anyone could enter if they wished to issue a public comment –– but would need to step out after speaking.
"I want to make sure that everyone understands that everyone who came here has the opportunity to have a voice," said Mayor Brenda Gunter. "Anyone who boos or harasses anyone that comes forward and makes a comment, we will ask you to leave the room."
Once again a plethora of individuals stepped up to share their thoughts, their personal stories, and bible verses they felt best described their position to the proposed ordinance.
The first to address the council was the Minister of Southgate Church of Christ, Paul Shero.
"We only have so many opportunities in our life to do something that's really important ––this is one of those opportunities," said Shero. "This is not only a good thing, it's a holy thing, it's a righteous thing, and it speaks to the best things of San Angelo. The best thing that can happen is for you guys, our leaders, to lead us to take this matter in hand and put it on the agenda, vote for it, and then we go on with our lives."
"I am not here to talk about abortion, I am here to talk about being pro-life. Pro-life refers to not simply supporting the embryo in the womb but standing up for the black child who is afraid to walk down the city street. It's fighting to save the life of the inmate on death row," said Nancy H. "Pro-life is sheltering and feeding the homeless person on the street, welcoming the migrant family at the border. Being pro-life means being pro-all lives, otherwise, you are just pro-birth. If you want to be known as a sanctuary city, be a sanctuary city for all lives, not just embryos. Pro-choice is pro-life."
"I am another story this morning before you of the pain and regret of a decision to have an abortion 32 years ago. While those that are opposing this ordinance may speak of pro-life in other ways, the effects of the...harm and damage done to an individual like myself, the children, the mothers, the family is long term...from a choice made in a moment," said resident Amy M. "One of the things the opposition has said is where are we after the baby is born and I agree. Those are conversations to be had and we need to come to the table to find those real solutions. But today we need to take step one...and place this ordinance on the ballot and vote for San Angelo to become a Sanctuary City for the Unborn."
"I want to start by saying it is fake news that we are outsiders, when in fact Mark Lee Dickson and Anthony Aguero, who are stirring things up, that create echo chambers in the conservative right-wing community are not from San Angelo," said Anna M. "Some citizens would have you believe this is a faith issue, when in fact there are in fact Chrisitan congregations and leaders in our communities that do not believe in taking away a women's right to choose."
"I do just want to mention that all of the previous women that spoke before me had choices that were afforded to them, choices that they were able to make," said Ryan M. "What is going on right now is people are trying to take those choices away from future women. Women that don't walk that same life because not all of us follow the same faith and we all experience different things."
For many of those outside their goal was to show up and show their support –– without necessarily addressing the council directly. Those outsides joined in a prayer circle and showed their support outside the doors of the convention center. Both inside and outside the building congregants and representatives from different churches showed up to the meeting.
"The concept of a sanctuary city is really a great idea," said Jaime H. "We think it's very important and hopefully San Angelo will become a sanctuary city."
"On Sunday morning our pastor, during his sermon, encouraged our body to participate in this event," said Dusty P. "It was just an honor to be here and ask King Jesus to bless our leaders and cast his wisdom on us."
"I would say that Yes, it is your choice, but be responsible and use birth control," said Donna B. "Then if you mess up you pay the consequences. Do not kill that baby. Your mistake, own up to it."
"We think the abortion issue is a vital issue in our community. We realize that unexpected pregnancy puts a lot of pressure on everybody –– so we are here for all women in all conditions and want to be here to help and support them," said Pastor Mack Roller of Glenmeadows Baptist Church. "But we are also for the unborn and all the little boys and little girls. We want to see this effort passed and so that it would save a lot of babies."
"City council has the authority to go ahead and pass this today and save our community from going through a big fight," added Pastor Roller. "I am confident we would win if it came up to a vote in the spring, but they were voted to take the responsibility and we encourage them to do it today."
The effort to make San Angelo a sanctuary city has developed with the help of the organization Right to Life of East and Sanctuary Cities for the Unborn. According to Director Mark Lee Dickson, earlier today the City of Nazareth, with a population of just over 300, unanimously voted to become the 39th city to pass an enforceable ordinance outlawing abortion within their city limits.
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