Lieutenant Stacye Speck Is Running for Justice of the Peace


SAN ANGELO, TX – Tom Green County Sheriff's Office Lieutenant Stacye Speck is officially running for Justice of the Peace Precinct 3 in the Republican Primary set for March 2022. 

Speck has been a part of the San Angelo community since 1991 when she began attending Angelo State University according to a press release.

In 1994, Speck began working at the Tom Green County Jail where she rose to the rank of sergeant. She was one of the few deputies sent to the academy sponsored by the sheriff’s office.

After completing the academy, Speck would ultimately transfer to the patrol division at the Tom Green County Sheriff's Office. She would spend 21 years working as of patrol deputy, patrol corporal, patrol sergeant, and patrol lieutenant. 

“I believe that having the years of supervisory experience, the ability to listen to all sides of the story, and treating people fairly will assist me to serve the citizens of Tom Green County in the role of Justice of the Peace Precinct 3," said Speck in a statement. "I believe in fair justice you can count on.”

Ron Perry is also running for the same office.

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