SAN ANGELO, TX – While voter turnout was light in the municipal and school board elections Saturday, candidates had a lot to celebrate when the unofficial final results were released.
San Angelo Mayor Brenda Gunter was the big winner with over 70 percent of votes cast.
San Angelo Live!'s Matt Trammell interviewed the Mayor shortly after the results were released Saturday night.
Watch the video below:
Gunter was challenged by Dietrick Tillis and Silvara Lawson. Gunter received 74.07% of the votes cast in her bid for a second term.
Councilman Tom Thompson was reelected with 69.4% of the vote over challengers Mercedes Dela Cruz and Cie Rangel.
The only incumbent city council representative to not be reelected was Billie DeWitt. Challenger Larry Miller defeated the incumbent DeWitt by 53.55% to 41.71%
No time for celebration FIX OUR CITY
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