Black Lives Matter Nominated for Nobel Peace Prize


SAN ANGELO, TX – The group, Black Lives Matter, has been nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize following months of protests across the country. 

According to CNN, on Feb. 1, BLM has been nominated for the Prize for "their work which has forced the United States and other countries to grapple with racism in their societies."

Last summer in San Angelo the BLM movement showed up to the city hall steps in downtown San Angelo. Here is a video of the protest:

According to the Nobel Prize website, nominations for its peace prize are accepted from any member of national assemblies and national governments of sovereign states, as well as current heads of states. Monday is the deadline for submissions. After that, a committee is expected to draft a short list in March.

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A tree hugger with hula hoops in her ears is repping this terrorist organization in San Angelo. Even more ironic they've been nominated for a peace prize after MONTHS of burning down their own cities! WHAT A DISGRACE. Even reporting on it as anything different is disgraceful!

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