Sweetwater Museum Director Resigns Amid 'Republicans Should Die' Facebook Post


SWEETWATER, TX – The embattled Executive Director of the Pioneer Museum in Sweetwater submitted her resignation as of 5 p.m. Friday after posting Republican voters should die on Facebook on election day.

According to a statement from the president of the board of directors of the museum, Melonnie Hicks submitted her resignation Friday.

As we reported earlier, Hicks posted "I hope every single one of you pieces of s**t that votes republican, dies today."

The post went viral sparking a huge controversy.

Board President Matt Counts said in a press release Friday, “While we do not condone in any way the statements made by Ms. Hicks, we do recognize and thank her for her many years of excellent service to this Museum and to this community."



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CNN has reported that Melonnie Hicks is on the short list for a running mate of Democrat Joe Biden. The addition to the team would assure the Democrats of turning Texas Blue. Joe Biden feels that Ms. Hicks has a way with words that unite the Nation.

CGM5, Fri, 03/06/2020 - 18:59

Maybe this .... sweet lady should move to Venezuela. I believe they are socialist there and if they don't like what you believe in, you really do die. One thing is for sure, we don't need people like her poisoning our great country. What makes this country great is the fact that people have different beliefs, ideas and dreams. Hicks and others like her are no better than parasites. They suck the life out of our great republic and give nothing in return.

A bit annoyed that they would thank her for her service. When someone wishes death on approximately half of her fellow citizens, that person deserves no praise.

I like her. Not for her comments, but more for the way she speaks her mind. Tells it like it is.


There's No Such Thing As 'Cancel Culture'

There’s a common whine these days about this imagined thing called “Cancel Culture.” Supposedly some people are getting mobbed and pushed out of society—“canceled” as they call it. This is nonsense.

Can you name anyone who has been canceled? You can’t. Because it’s made up. Sure you can name a few people who lost their jobs or otherwise disappeared, but that’s because they voiced views that were abhorrent to modern, civilized society or were part of groups we’ve learned we just can’t tolerate anymore. But that’s not “canceling." That is justice.

And here we get to the heart of the matter: when people complain about “Cancel Culture,” what they’re really saying is that they want to get away with saying whatever they want with no consequences. Well, sorry, things don’t work that way. We live in a society that has determined some things are just beyond the pale, and if you want to spew your filth anyway, you should expect bad things to happen.

So, if what you want to say makes you scared of “Cancel Culture,” maybe that’s just a good indication your views are bad and shouldn’t be said. Heil me.

( https://youtu.be/LUzcayxCbwQ )

“So the writer who breeds more words than he needs, is making a chore for the reader who reads.”

Admit it, Old Salt. The disproportionate level of anger that Democrats generate over their first world problems is pretty hilarious. It's also funny how oblivious many of them are of the way the world works, not just outside of the country, but outside of the walls of their homeowners associations. She wants Republicans dead?


What a knee-slapper. She doesn't have a clue what that would entail. Just a case of the old PMS.

“Simple it’s not, I am afraid you will find, for a mind-maker-upper to make up his mind.”

"A king can stand people fighting but he can't last long if people start thinking.".

Suffice it to say that there are certain things we're probably all better off not trying to "cancel," like free speech or the lives and/or livelihoods of individuals who express unpopular views which might prod at the paranoia and sense of control of a small minority of individuals. It's a bit like trying to uninstall your antivirus software. Some people might see the free speech of others as being as irritating as the notifications of their antivirus software (and value it just as much) and try to "cancel" them without realizing the implications of doing so...


Leftists can feel free to, in the words of YouTube's "Hodge Twins," (a.k.a. "Conservative Twins,") "Do whatever the **** [they] wanna do," but I wouldn't be surprised when they start getting results they didn't want or expect...

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