Cowardly or Courageous? Desperate Congressional Candidates Retreat to Midland to Attack Pfluger


SAN ANGELO, TX – It's a rare thing for political candidates to admit fear of losing.  It's even rarer when it's obvious that a gaggle of them are so far behind the front runner that they band together and hold a press conference to cry foul in a political primary.  Political campaigns are, by their nature, hand to hand combat; either one is in it to win or one is in it as a fool.  

Two candidates for U.S. house of representatives in Texas' 11th Congressional district are in it to win.  The rest of the also-ran candidates banded together recently to cry fowl about the political process in which they cannot win. 

Colonel August Pfluger is an honest man with a sterling resume which puts him head and shoulders above the also-rans who recently held a frantic and bizarre news conference in Midland decrying political action committee (PAC) funding for political campaigns.  Just a heads up for anyone running for any office...every elected official representing you right now has accepted PAC money.  

Those candidates and their spin misters would have you believe all political action committees are corrupt and that's a bad thing.

There is a former Tea Party congressional candidate from Tom Green County who was so soundly defeated three times by Congressman MIke Conaway and yet still considers himself a legendary political figure on facebook who posts comments seemingly condemning Pfluger.  

Everyone is a legend on Facebook.

I couldn't think of a better reason to vote for Pfluger than the rantings of political radicals who urge their friends to vote against him.   


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