U.S. Congressman and Navy SEAL Dan Crenshaw Endorses August Pfluger for Congress


SAN ANGELO, TX — Today, U.S. Congressman Dan Crenshaw (R-Houston) announced his endorsement of Lt. Col. August Pfluger (R-San Angelo) in the Republican Primary for Texas’ 11th Congressional District. Crenshaw, who was elected to serve Texas’ 2nd Congressional District in 2018, announced his support for Pfluger in a video posted to social media.

“I want to let you know that I’m supporting August Pfluger for Congress,” said Crenshaw. “August has over 300 hours of combat operations against ISIS, 20 years in the Air Force as a fighter pilot…he’s exactly what West Texas needs in the fight in Washington for conservative values. That’s why I’m supporting him, and I hope you do too.”

You can watch Congressman Crenshaw’s endorsement of August Pfluger by clicking here:

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Lt. Commander Dan Crenshaw is a decorated combat veteran who honorably served his country for more than a decade as a member of the U.S. Navy SEAL teams. In 2012, while on a combat mission in Helmand province, Afghanistan, Dan was hit by an IED blast that destroyed his right eye and severely damaged his left. Crenshaw refused to quit and went on to deploy twice more – first back to the Middle East in 2014 and then South Korea in 2016. In 2018, Crenshaw was elected to Congress where he currently serves as a member of the Homeland Security Committee and the Budget Committee.

Crenshaw is a rising star of the Republican party in the House and an outspoken proponent of President Donald Trump. At a campaign rally in Houston this past weekend, Crenshaw said the impeachment of Donald Trump comes down to one simple question: "Why can't President Trump ask about the Biden-Burisma relationship?" The incident at the center of the Trump impeachment is the accusation that Trump asked the Ukrainian president to "investigate" former Vice President and Democratic Party candidate for president Joe Biden's son Hunter's multi-million dollar deal with the Ukrainian gas company.

"I’m supremely honored to receive the endorsement of fellow combat veteran and U.S. Congressman Dan Crenshaw,” said Pfluger. “Dan is a conservative warrior and Navy SEAL that bravely risked his life to defend our country in Iraq and Afghanistan. As your next Congressman, I look forward to joining Rep. Crenshaw in the fight to keep our country safe, secure our border, and make sure our veterans have the help and support they deserve.”

Pfluger is a 20-year veteran of the U.S. Air Force and a decorated fighter pilot with over 300 hours of direct combat against radical jihadists in the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS). Until launching his campaign in September, August served as a member of President Trump’s National Security Council staff, where he was entrusted with our nation’s highest security clearance and charged with advising President Trump on a host of foreign and domestic threats to our nation’s security.

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