Congressman Conaway Votes Against "Impeachment Charade"


WASHINGTON, DC — Congressman Mike Conaway called tonight’s vote to impeach President Donald J. Trump at charade. “The American people see right through this charade,” he said.

Earlier today, on the House floor, Conaway presented his arguments against impeachment during the floor debate (you can watch it here).

The so-called evidence for impeachment was gathered behind closed doors in a room designed to protect classified information, Conaway maintained. “Nothing was shared during those hearings that was classified,” Conaway said. The result was that most members of Congress and all Americans were blocked from hearing all of the facts.

He accused House Committee on Intelligence Chairman Congressman Adam Schiff (D-CA) of withholding evidence from Republicans, including preventing anyone but himself and his staff from interviewing the whistleblower at the center of the impeachment investigation.

Conaway also accused Schiff of spreading falsehoods and mischaracterizing evidence. He said the only witnesses allowed by Schiff and the Democrats to testify publicly were selected based upon their ability to bolster the Democrats’ pre-determined narrative to feed the drafting of the articles of impeachment.

“If there was any criminal activity, then why aren’t there any crimes listed in the articles of impeachment,” Conaway asked.

Wednesday night, the U.S. House voted to impeach President Trump. No Republicans voted in favor. Two Democrats voted Nay, one Democrat voted Present, and one abstained on the first article, accusing the president of high crimes and misdemeanors.

Here is Conaway’s full statement:

“This is a historic and somber day in the House of Representatives,” said Congressman Conaway. “Unfortunately, many of my colleagues have diminished what should be a solemn and grave proceeding into an absolute political circus, simply because they don’t like the man occupying the White House.

“Many Democrats have been intent on impeaching this President since the day he took office. Their actions are clearly motivated by pure hatred for President Trump. Most importantly, we have not been presented with any real evidence that proves the president is guilty of ‘high crimes and misdemeanors,’ and the Democrats’ articles of impeachment notably omit any mention of an actual crime.

“We have forever weakened this body by turning impeachment into a political weapon, which will surely have negative ramifications far beyond this president. The American people see right through this charade, and are fed up.”

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“If there was any criminal activity, then why aren’t there any crimes listed in the articles of impeachment". CONaway, that's where" obstruction" comes in. Jeez, your exodus can't come soon enough. If the third president of the United States to be impeached had nothing to hide, he should have let his muppets testify in front of the House committees. Clearly they had something to say. Then again, they might not have "insurance" like Rudy G. Remove the word president from his name and he is what he has been for over 50 years, donald trump, a con man and a crook. So many of my fellow southerners have fallen head over heels for this yankee, it really is a "historic and somber day in the House of Representatives."

That is the face he was making in Russia when he was enjoying his "shower", and selling his soul(and America).

This is nothing more than a clown show. Democrats still can't get over the repudiation of the Hildabeast and the rejection of Obama's policies. Sad that these losers will attempt to destroy our republic for their own selfish quest for power. But, everything they have tried has not only failed but backfired in their shameless faces. This sham impeachment will be no different. The Senate will dismiss it out of hand, Trump will be reelected in a landslide and Republicans will control both houses of Congress. Until Democrats can get off their liberal/socialist policies, they will never win another national election of any significance.

Was already sold out. It has been for generations. We came here to get away from the tyranny of partisan politics and government controlling every aspect of a so called free life. Here we are in the same predicament we left over 200 years ago. Anyone who blames the current president for the many many years of our congress ignoring the citizens they work for is more than part of the problem here. This sham is 100% partisan just like when Clinton was impeached, and the fact that they are withholding the articles from the senate is more than enough proof to show it. Anyone siding with the current socialist group calling themselves demonrats deserve the punishment of Trump as president. Your old salt just got saltier. Save some for your next spring cookout k?

Bill Clinton lied about an affair with an intern while in office. Proven facts by Linda Tripp's recording's. Whether it was an act against the state or his spouse, it speaks to his character. He should have been removed.

Anyone who buys a portrait of himself ala Dear Leader Kim instead of donating to veterans as promised, would extort Ukraine. Anyone who pays hush money to cover up an illicit affair, would extort Ukraine. Anyone who would defraud people wanting an education though a fake university, would extort Ukraine. Anyone who blindly follows this conman would sell there soul to the devil....wait, too late. All his muppets are in jail, or waiting to go to jail. The face of the new GOP is in an orange jump suit.


Yes, Trump is a vile creature whose presence in the Oval Office will require about a megagallon of disinfectant to cleanse it of his presence when he leaves it.

Let us not ignore whorish scum like Graham and McConnell, who clearly prostituted themselves to this brutish thug, nor the remainder of the rethuglicans who sold their puny souls for the preservation of party over the country and its constitution. May they all rot.

Then we have the Trump base so clearly deluded in part because of their lack of knowledge of what Trump was in his past life... a self-serving, rules breaking, tax dodging, contract breaking, bilge spouting, cheating, lying, whoring, bullying pile of walking waste who while claiming to be a successful businessman lied about that as well.

It would seem God chose to punish us by inflicting him on us. I hope we survive him.

Expat, I fail to see how your "Trump is almost as bad as the Democrat establishment" argument makes much of a case. The President is up against entrenched corruption and is undergoing an attempted coup by the Democrat party that seeks to make the constitution and even rule of law null and void as part of that process. I suppose you can envy him for being successful or hate him for attempting to help the average American, but what good is that for your own soul? You'd be cleaner in mind and body drinking and gambling than defending those who hate the constitution and attacking President Trump for being an ally to all Americans.

No joke.

So, on this site and other sites on the net it is normal for people to write what they mean with big words or make things harder than they have to be. One subject that is like this is the impeachment of Trump that is all over the news. But what does it mean that he got impeached?

People I have been to the Trump Tower in New York. Okay, so this is basically it. It's not democracy anymore because Democrats got rid of it, so TRUMP IS THE KING OF AMERICA NOW. Watch and see if I'm wrong, because I'm not. Get on Facebook and say some stuff and see if it don't show up on Facebook because Trump can see that too and put that there. Don't go outside or say anything he doesn't like because if you do he will know about it. If you don't like him just stay home and don't vote if you don't already have a couple felonies. Trump is still in the White House running things so you know this isn't some BS. He will still be on TV.

LOL Lares! And let's not forget the great things Trump has done since he's been in office! Economy is better that it's been in years!

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