Congressman Conaway Says Pelosi Doesn't Speak for Texas on Obamacare


WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Congressman Mike Conaway on Wednesday disputed House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's stance on Obamacare.  

The Congressman, who represents San Angelo, released the following statement: 

"Democrats have started the new Congress by doubling down on Nancy Pelosi and her disastrous liberal agenda.

Despite protests from House Republicans, House Democrats have decided to give Pelosi the authority to speak on behalf of the entire House of Representatives as she argues in support of Obamacare in the federal court system.

However, Nancy Pelosi does not speak for the millions of Texans who want less government in healthcare, and more choices for their families.

House Republicans will continue to support affordable healthcare options for everyone, including coverage for those with preexisting conditions, while keeping individual freedom and choice at the center of the conversation.”

A Federal Judge in Texas recently ruled Obamacare unconstitutional.  


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Who does Conaway speak for? If he truly believed what he says he believes, we would have the kind of health care he is describing when the GOP had "super majorities". Unless you are a contributor of oil money, etc, he does not give a crap unless it has to do with reelection.

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