EL PASO, TX -- (Press Release) Beto O’Rourke will lead a Father’s Day march Sunday morning to raise awareness of a newly opened tent camp in Tornillo for kids who are taken from their parents under the Trump Administration’s new policy. The Congressman will be joined by local leaders including former El Paso County Judge Veronica Escobar, advocates including Latino Victory Project, elected officials and concerned Texans as the group marches to the site where hundreds of children are already being sent without their mothers or fathers.
Sunday’s public March to Tornillo comes less than a week after O’Rourke visited McAllen to witness firsthand the developing humanitarian crisis along the border. He addressed the inhumane separation of children from their parents, the treatment, wellbeing and living conditions of unaccompanied youth, the denial of a legal asylum process for those presenting themselves at our ports of entry and recent actions taken by the Trump Administration.
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for marching against the cruelty and abject mindlessness of what is happening on the border. If indeed there is a merciful God, he will unseat the troglodyte that is Ted Cruz.
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PermalinkLaw is being enforced is all that is happening
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PermalinkMaybe he can live there after the election and if that doesn't work, break-in to Mexico. Beto, Nancy, and Chucky should read the existing immigration laws.
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PermalinkExpat, if you want to saute' Beto, please keep the description to a minimal number of details...
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PermalinkHot air and racism, talk on!
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PermalinkMan, that WAS a silly typo, was it not? I DO salute the man and will not hesitate to vote for him.
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PermalinkNot all of the American's who agree with the policy that these immigrants are forced to endure, due to their choice in coming here, are white. White privilege doesn't even exist buddy... It's just something that folks made up to stir your emotions, it seems to be working. You act like America is full of only white folks.
There are sound reasons that we have for our immigration policies... We can barely take care of our own, wake up and look around you, is it only people who've spent all of their white privilege points that need help here? No, we have tons of people just in San Angelo that need help to make it day by day, and they aren't all of color, they're all different colors... Nobody is exempt from pain and struggles in this life, get off the racism kick.
Go help one of your local churches at "Kids Eat Free", it's a summer program to feed kids who might otherwise go without this summer since they aren't getting fed at school twice a day now... Then come back on here and talk about how it's all the white man,and we need to treat people who aren't going through the proper channels to become citizens better.
I think it's a tough situation down south, and people do need to care, but we also need to uphold what our country has set for boundaries concerning immigration. You don't have to like it, but there's plenty of folks who don't like a lot of things, go vote about it.
Good thing the NFL won't let folks kneel on the field, you don't make a good point by disrespecting America to make it.
Beto did not approve this message.
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PermalinkFirstly, I want to acknowledge that racism does indeed exist in the USA, but White vs Black racism here in W. Texas is nothing compared to what I have witnessed in the deep South.
That being said, all NFL players are performers, just like actors on a stage. Poor performance entitles the player to being banned from the stage. But as long as they are cast members, they are totally subject to the whims of the director, and must follow his specific, detailed instructions on how to perform their part.
NFL stadiums are pro football stages, and as such, every move a player makes while on it, can be manipulated as the coach, or league sees fit. The very moment they step onto the field, it's "Lights, camera, action!" and they are officially on the clock, doing what they are paid to do, representing their city, team, league and the NFL has every right, actually duty, to choreograph every step until the lights and cameras are off.
What they choose to say or do on their own time is entirely up to the player/performer.
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PermalinkFirst of all Logan, you have never seen me, so to assume that I'm white is pretty ignorant on your part... You have no clue as to the amount of racially motivated hatred I've personally witnessed, and you also have to come to some point of sense before I agree with you, which I have no problem doing.
I don't deny that there are still racist folks out there, but the issue goes much deeper than "white people vs. the rest". Also, because of the amount of care that has been taken to ensure equality across all racial boundaries, people of color actually have more "rights", than "whites". Name one case where a white person cried "racism"... You can't can you? I know I can't. It does exist though... It's very easy to find great examples of people that hate white people... the examples are just as hateful and ignorant as any example of current day racism toward people of color that you can find. Just because I disagree with you, doesn't mean that I'm ignorant to the realities of racism and hatred all over America, it simply means that your perspective is so biased that I can't agree.
Racism toward white's is pretty popular and you don't hear white people freaking out when they face it... You don't see them gather in large crowds and tear up their own city when they disagree with something... You my friend, have been horns-waggled, bamboozled, maybe even codswallopped, to use a few "white" words... You are right about the treatment of immigrants at the border being sub-par in many respects, but those things will not change immediately, it will take a little time to see improvements, I believe we need to be firm with our border security, but that we should be compassionate as well.
I may not agree with every aspect of what we do as a Nation, but to blame it all on race... Get outta here Jack! I do know Jehova's witnesses, besides that, I feel as if anyone, who for any reason, does not stand for the National anthem or pledge allegiance is un-American. Why, because that's what we do as American's.
I have no problem talking about any topic, I'm just tired of hearing "white shaming". You come across as someone who works very closely with assumptions and I may be wrong about that, but it is how you sounded to me...
I put a link to one of the most popular videos making a case for "white privilege", seem's like utter nonsense to me. As if because you had a set of parents who's marriage stayed intact, you are somehow "privileged"?
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PermalinkGo ahead and explain how all white people exercise the top 2 freedom's that you posted previously... I would like to know how "white privilege" is an integral part of white people's lives, no matter what their personal background is. This is one of the most narrow minded arguments I've ever heard in my life. I don't feel comfortable with white privilege because it doesn't exist.
I've walked many a mile through this life, with folks from every race found in America, and I can tell you that this idea that having white skin somehow entitles you to extra privileges is a poisonous concept for which there is no factual basis that anyone has pointed to period. All you can cite are instances of white folks being racist, but that has nothing to do with privilege. The few racist white's do not equate to all white's being privileged.
I have never been one to deny racism exists... In fact, I've had experience with it as far back as I can remember... My heart wrenched when I studied MLK Jr., but let's not forget, that there have been many white's to stand and fight for civil rights since the very beginning of that movement. We have equal rights now... Explain to me how all races are not able to be equal as men and women in America today. Your argument for "privilege" is nothing more than accusatory and baseless. I imagine you learned this within the past couple years in SAISD. Youngsters ignorance is pretty easy to spot. You will grow into a better understanding as you move forward in life.
You mentioned talking about our differences in your post, I get the general idea, my personal preference in life is to relate to people and find our similarities, but sometimes the differences are so stark, you have to stand opposed. I can't stand for the foundation-less idea of white privilege, but I feel like we can disagree about it respectfully, as I'm learning to do.
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PermalinkThe reason the children are separated is that the parents have been arrested and we don't put kids in jail. If you cross our borders illegally you have broken the law, kids can't go with you to jail.
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PermalinkActually, the look more like dog kennels. No child should be treated like that.
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PermalinkI witnessed it, as I was the victim of it, but you don't hear me crying about it. I try to avoid even putting myself out there because in reality, there are many forms of "unfairness" in the world and racism is but one... I gain nothing from complaining about what I have faced that was unfair in life, and truthfully, not that many people care, the greatest perpetrator of all that is unfair in life is selfishness, we are good at that in America.
You need to go back and do some studies man, back when the civil rights movement was going on, the "majority" of people were racist... Those white people that did stand against it, risked everything to do so... Some died because of their defiance to the racial injustices of those days. But it was their "privilege" that brought about the change?
I don't listen to any mainstream media outlet, which is why I can be slightly rusty sometimes on the current event's, I get my news from American Family Radio. When you find an unbiased media outlet, that isn't AFR, let me know.
The things you mention as "racial" treatment for people of color, vary across all races. 2 white folks can commit the same crime and get vastly different penalties, 2 white folks can apply for the same job, one gets it, the other doesn't... That's life, not privileges for white people.
Just because there are stereotype's, doesn't mean that we all operate within that framework of thinking... The sad thing is, many of the people crying "racism" are the one's perpetuating these negative stereotype's and the only thing they can do to defend their weak and baseless argument is yell about how white people are "privileged" and can't even see it.
All races have the equal opportunity to go out in life and make something of it in America. Some won't, and will place the blame elsewhere.
If you give people the chance though, some might really surprise you. I can see God in all people, even those that don't believe.
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Permalink2 things are accomplished when this fool(trump) acts like a child, he changes the subject and he makes money for the party.
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PermalinkThere is only one "race" on earth. The "human race". This is supported by science and the bible.
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PermalinkIf that's your prerequisite, I fulfilled it before we even began to speak, in fact, multiple time's over. You presume that people from different culture's have never sat down to politely talk about issue's before you came along. As willing as you seem to be, to have this discussion, I hope that you don't end up shutting me out before we can make any actual headway. Ready to hear your point's about that article...
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PermalinkI dug into some history myself RR... I came across a man by the name of Jupiter Hammon, he wrote an address in New York that he delivered in 1787, I read the whole address, I have to say it's too bad we don't hear things like this anymore.
I just figured you might enjoy it as much as I did.
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