SAN ANGELO, TX -- (Press Release) Representative Drew Darby is excited to report that former San Angelo mayor Alvin New has been appointed by Governor Greg Abbott to serve on the Texas Transportation Commission.
"I'm grateful Governor Abbott tapped Alvin and his knowledge of Texas highways for this prestigious post," said Representative Darby. "Alvin will work hard to keep the Texas Department of Transportation focused on building and maintaining safe roads to keep Texas moving."
The five-member Texas Transportation Commission oversees the Texas Department of Transportation to ensure the department best serves Texas taxpayers. Commission members serve overlapping six-year terms and are appointed by the governor with the advice and consent of the Texas Senate.
Rep. Darby represents Coke, Concho, Glasscock, Howard, Irion, Reagan, Runnels, Sterling, and Tom Green Counties. In the 85th Legislature, he serves as Chairman of the Energy Resources committee, Chairman of the State & Federal Power & Responsibility committee, and as a member of the Redistricting and Ways & Means committees.
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I'm sure old Alvin didn't buy his way into the new appointed office. Just getting payback for all his 'political contributions'! Hope he's is better at this than he was as Mayor. Good ole boy Darby, helping out his friend.
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