Now, It's Mayor Brenda Gunter


SAN ANGELO, TX — San Angelo has a new mayor and several newly elected city council members. Brenda Gunter, the cities newest Mayor, and  new city council members were sworn in this morning and outgoing members were recognized for their service

During a small ceremony held during today's city council meeting,  Brenda Gunter took the oath of office administered by Municipal Court Judge Alan Gilbert . Former Mayor Dwain Morrison presided over the meeting until Gunter was sworn in. 

Gunter thanked her campaign manager Stephen McLaughlin and the citizens of San Angelo for her win. 

Also taking the oath of office were three new city council members, Tommy Heibert for SMD1, Tom Thompson for SMD2, and Lucy Gonzales for SMD4. 

A runoff election for SMD6 city council candidates, Billie DeWitt and Steve Hampton, will occur on July 8. Current SMD 6 councilwoman Charlotte Farmer, will continue to serve until the special election.  

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Now that we have some folks with some actual working brains inside their skulls sitting in the drivers seat of the city, it's time to roll up the sleeves and get to work turning a complete 360* circle out of San Angelo........ I do have to wonder though if we need to find one of those retarded dime store cowboy hats complete with the goofy snake head hat band for the new Mayor to wear around town...... :)

I disagree with your statement about making a 360° change of course. I would say that San Angelo's leadership is already quite good at making complete 360° turns, often in succession and for extended periods of paid time. I do, however, agree with you that small, straw or plastic cowboy hats fitted with snake bands worn in addition to a bolo tie should become standard garb for the elected leaders of the area.

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