Brenda Gunter, who is runing for Mayor of San Angelo, issued a statement about the controversy surrounding Single Member District 1 Councilman Bill Richardson.
"I have been asked by numerous sources for a response to recent events regarding one of our city council members and the call for his ouster by a group of wives of local law enforcement professionals," she said in a statement. "Without reservation I come down on the side of the police officers, and also on the side of those citizens of San Angelo who don't believe their elected representative should have a bias towards them based on their race."
"The statements and actions of this council member undermine San Angelo’s greatest strengths. We benefit greatly from celebrating diversity and embracing unity in our community. And we are a community that exhibits strong support for our police officers.
"When we look at our friends, our neighbors, and our police officers, we must first see a fellow San Angolan, not the color of their skin, not their personal beliefs, nor their gender. If we look at each other and see allies, then we will succeed. If we look at each other and see adversaries, we weaken our community now and create an unsound foundation for the future," Gunter stated.
Bad Bill Richardson is under fire for comments he made on social media that many construe as racist against Hispanic police officers. For more on Bad Bill, click here.
The election is May 6.
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