City Council Candidates to Draw for Ballot Placement Friday


Candidates for the three San Angelo City Council seats that will be filled in the May 10 election will draw for placement on the ballot at 9 a.m. Friday, March 7, in the Office of the City Clerk, Room 208 on the second floor of City Hall, 72 W. College Ave.

The drawings are for the races for Single-Member Districts 1, 3 and 5. The candidates who filed prior to last Friday’s deadline are:

  • SMD 1 – Rodney Fleming, Trinidad Aguirre Jr. and Bill Richardson
  • SMD 3 – Richard C. Bastardo Sr., Johnny Silvas and Eugenio Ismael Garcia
  • SMD 5 – Philip Skinner and Elizabeth Grindstaff

To be eligible to vote in the May 10 election, voters must live in one of the three districts and be registered to vote. April 10 is the deadline for voters to register to be eligible to vote in the City Council election. Voter registration cards can be obtained from the Tom Green County Elections Office on the second floor of the Edd B. Keyes Building, 113 W. Beauregard Ave. Questions regarding registration should be referred to the Elections Office at 325-659-6541.

Other important City Council election dates include:

  • March 11 – First day to apply for a ballot by mail.
  • April 28 – First day of early voting.
  • May 6 – Last day of early voting.
  • To be determined – Canvassing of election results.

For more information, including links to the Elections Office website and to a single-member district map to help voters determine in which district they live, visit the City Elections page on the City’s website at

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