Stormwater and Sales Tax on Agenda for Thursday Evening City Council Meeting


The San Angelo City Council will conduct a special evening meeting at 5:30 p.m. Thursday, March 6, at the McNease Convention Center, 501 Rio Concho Drive.

The evening meeting is a departure from the Council’s traditional meeting time of 9 a.m. on the first and third Tuesdays of the month. The Council will still meet at its regularly scheduled time on Tuesday, March 4.

A prior evening meeting in October drew a larger audience than most daytime meetings, prompting Councilman Don Vardeman, who advocated for the first meeting, to seek another evening gathering.

Among the items that will be discussed during the meeting are the stormwater program, the City’s Capital Improvement Plan, and half-cent sales tax funds and projects. The full agenda will be posted on the City’s website at at least 72 hours in advance of the meeting.

All City Council meetings are open to the public. They can also be watched live on the City’s website by clicking on the “Watch a Meeting” button on the homepage.

Council meetings are rebroadcast at 10:30 a.m. and 7 p.m. daily on SATV, Suddenlink cable channel 17. The meetings can also be viewed at 

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The agenda is online at the City's new website. The agenda items are as stated in the article. The direct link is and despite what the agenda says, I'm sure that they will welcome public comment during the meeting. Feedback and citizen participation is the main reason for having these evening meetings. Hope this one has even more people show up than the last one.

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