Trinidad Aguirre Files for Council District 1


Trinidad Aguirre Jr. has filed his candidacy to fill a two-year term in the Single-Member District 1 seat on the San Angelo City Council in the May 10 election.

Aguirre is the second candidate to file for the Single Member District 1 seat.  

Along with SMD 1, full two-year terms in Single-Member Districts 3 and 5 are up for election.

Other candidates who have filed to date are:

  • SMD 1 – Rodney Fleming
  • SMD 3 – Richard C. Bastardo Sr.

The final day to file for a place on the ballot is Feb. 28. Candidates file the necessary paperwork in the Office of the City Clerk in Room 208 on the second floor of City Hall, 72 W. College Ave. The office is open from 8 a.m.-noon and from 1 p.m.-5 p.m. Mondays through Fridays.

Candidate packets containing information about the process for those considering running for City Council are available in the City Clerk’s office and on the City’s website at Questions can be addressed to City Clerk Alicia Ramirez at 325-657-4405 or at [email protected].

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