WATCH: Black Bear Spotted in the Concho Valley

BIG LAKE, TX  – A viral video is circulating across social media Tuesday of a black bear sprinting across an open field in Reagan County. 

The southern end of the Concho Valley is no stranger to black bears. According to the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, bears have been confirmed to be seen in other counties including Sutton, Kimble, and Menard.

In Crockett County, the TPWD confirmed that there is a breeding population in the county. The black bear is a protected and rare species in the state of Texas. Male bears can weigh 150 to over 350 lbs., and females weigh 120 to 250 lbs. Male home ranges average 20,000 acres, while females average 5,000 acres. Denning can start as early as November and continue until late May. 

Bears den in large, hollow trees, brush piles, thickets, rock crevices and caves. Denning bears go into a deep sleep but can be aroused if disturbed. 

Females mature at three to five years of age and, on average, have two cubs every . other year. Cubs are born in the den weighing 8 ounces and will exit the den weighing 4 pounds. Cubs stay with their mother for 1-1/2 years.

Bears are opportunistic feeders and will eat almost anything that is available. Up to 90 percent of a bear’s diet is vegetable material, which includes nuts, fruits, berries and plants. Most of the protein in a bear’s diet comes from insects like beetles, wasps, termites and ants. Prime bear habitat includes escape cover, dispersal corridors, diverse foods and dens.

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