Rainbow Trout Stocking Continues Across West Texas


SAN ANGELO, TX - Rainbow trout stockings are underway across the San Angelo District, with thousands of fish introduced into West Texas waters as part of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department’s winter program.

So far, trout have been stocked at Post Park in Marathon and Crane County Park on Dec. 4, followed by Monahans Perch Pond in Monahans and Ruddick Park in Colorado City on Dec. 9.

On Dec. 10, Foster Park in San Angelo and Knierim Park in Bronte received their stockings.

Yesterday, a stocking took place at Ascarate Lake in El Paso, with Comanche Trail Park in Big Spring scheduled for Dec. 13.

In San Angelo, Oakes Street will be stocked next on Dec. 27, and Javelina Draw at San Angelo State Park on Dec. 19. Additional stockings are planned for early 2025.

TPWD is releasing more than 25,000 rainbow trout into 14 locations across the district, contingent on water quality and quantity. Individual sites are receiving between 350 and 1,500 trout per stocking event.

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