Palo Pinto Mountains State Park Sets New Opening Timeline


DALLAS, TX — Palo Pinto Mountains State Park, a new incoming state park in North Texas, has set a new opening date of summer 2025.

Park Superintendent James Adams told the Dallas Morning News recently that construction delays pushed back the park’s projected opening in 2023.

The 4,871-acre part is located about 75 miles west of Fort Worth near Strawn.

"It's like a piece of Hill Country that's an hour from Fort Worth," Adams said. "We're just off the highway, but this place still feels like the Wild West sometimes."

Tucker Lake will be the centerpiece of the park, which features hills that reach 1,400-foot peaks. It will also have 16 to 18 miles of trails for hiking, biking and horse riding, according to the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department.

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