Cool, Clear Halloween Followed by Rain Chances Through Monday


SAN ANGELO, TX — Halloween night in San Angelo is expected to bring dry, pleasant conditions, with temperatures in the lower 70s early in the evening, dropping into the mid-60s by 10 p.m., according to the National Weather Service.

Winds from the northeast at 5-10 mph will help keep trick-or-treaters comfortable under a clear, waning crescent moon.

National Weather Service

National Weather Service

National Weather Service

National Weather Service

Thursday’s daytime highs will be cooler than average for the season, reaching the mid-to-upper 70s across the region. A few early morning clouds will clear as the day progresses, bringing sunny skies and a high of around 78 degrees in San Angelo.

Rain chances will return Friday, extending through Monday, with potentially heavy rainfall across the Big Country, especially Saturday night and Sunday. Temperatures are forecasted to reach the low 80s on Friday and Saturday before slightly cooler weather settles in on Sunday and Monday.

National Weather Service

National Weather Service

Dry conditions are expected to return Tuesday, November 4, just in time for Election Day. 

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