5.1 Magnitude Earthquake Shakes Midland Area


MIDLAND, TX - A 5.1 magnitude earthquake struck about 20 miles north of Midland, Texas, just before 8 p.m. on Monday, according to the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS).

The quake’s epicenter was located 34 kilometers southwest of Ackerly, Texas, with a depth of 8.8 kilometers, USGS reported. 

The earthquake was initially reported as a 4.8 magnitude tremor but was later updated to 5.1 by the National Weather Service (NWS) in San Angelo.

"That's a pretty sizeable quake for Texas," NWS stated. 

As of now, there are no reports of significant damage or injuries. 

Residents who felt the earthquake can provide details to the USGS through an online form to aid in data collection, click here for that. 

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