Boaters Cautioned as Lake Levels Rise at OC Fisher Lake


SAN ANGELO, TX — Boaters and recreational visitors to OC Fisher Lake at San Angelo State Park are being urged to exercise caution after recent flooding has caused a significant rise in water levels.

According to a notice from the San Angelo State Park, the lake is now open for boating and recreation. However, officials warn that debris from floodwaters, particularly from the North Concho River and nearby tributaries, may be present. The lake has experienced an increase in capacity, rising from 0.8% to 7.7% full over the past week.

Visitors are advised to take precautions when launching and using boats, with the reminder that recreation on the lake is at their own risk.

Entrance fees are required for access to the park. Passes can be obtained at the South Entrance Gatehouse or through an online reservation system.

For more information on current lake capacity, the public is encouraged to visit the Texas Water Data website at

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