BALLINGER, TX — The Texas Parks and Wildlife Inland Fisheries San Angelo District announced Thursday afternoon that O.H. Ivie is now stocked with the latest ShareLunker Large Mouth Bass Fingerlings.
Texas Parks and Wildlife Inland Fisheries San Angelo District made a post on Thursday afternoon, June 14, thanking fishermen in the ShareLunker program for donating their fish and making this latest group of fingerlings possible.
"Texas Freshwater Fisheries Center delivered some ShareLunker fingerlings to be stocked in O.H. Ivie.," the post read. "Thanks to all anglers donating their bass this year to make this possible."

Fingerlings stocked in O.H. Ivie
(Credit: Inland Fisheries San Angelo District - Texas Parks and Wildlife)
Fingerling is a broad term applied to a juvenile fish that is about the size of a finger. The definition of what length classifies a fish as a fingerling varies between species, but the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) generally defines a fingerling as ranging in length from 10 to 15 centimeters.
While these fish are not mature as of yet, they will certainly continue to grow throughout the summer and the rest of the year. It is vital to allow these fish to mature so that the ShareLunker program can continue.
So far, in 2024, the Texas Parks and Wildlife reported that they stocked 54,286 fingerlings into O.H. Ivie. Many of these fish will not reach adulthood, but for the few that do, they should become potential monsters that end up on the end of a fishing pole.
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