Concho River Restocked With Channel Catfish


SAN ANGELO, TX — The Inland Fisheries San Angelo District announced today, June 7, that the Concho River in downtown San Angelo was once again stocked with Channel Catfish.

The restocking initiative began on April 12, the restockings will continue biweekly after that, excluding August. 

The 2024 stocking schedule is set to include dates on April 12, April 26, May 10, May 24, June 7, and June 21, a special stocking on July 3 in anticipation of Independence Day, July 19, and resuming in September with stockings on the 6th and 20th. 

The initiative will continue into the fall, with additional stockings scheduled for October 4 and October 18 and concluding for the year on November 1.

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