Triple-Digit Heat Returns, Isolated Thunderstorms Possible


SAN ANGELO, TX - Triple-digit temperatures are making a comeback in the Abilene and San Angelo regions today, with highs expected to surpass 100°F across much of the area. 

According to the US National Weather Service, temperatures will reach up to 104°F in Sterling City, 103°F in Rotan and San Angelo, and 101°F in Snyder and Sweetwater.

While most of the region will remain dry, isolated thunderstorms are possible this evening, particularly north of Interstate 20. Areas such as Rotan, Snyder, and Newcastle might experience scattered thunderstorms.


Residents are advised to take necessary precautions against the heat. The National Weather Service emphasizes the importance of staying hydrated and spending time in air-conditioned environments during the peak afternoon heat. 

Additionally, they remind the public that “when thunder roars, go indoors” to stay safe from potential lightning strikes associated with thunderstorms.

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