Dangerous Heat & Elevated Fire Danger Continue Into Next Week


SAN ANGELO – There is no relief in the next seven days from the unrelenting heat and now elevated fire conditions have prompted weather experts to issue a fire weather danger statement in addition to the Excessive Heat Warning.  

According to the experts at the National Weather Service office in San Angelo, dangerously hot conditions with temperatures at 105 degrees and heat indices at 115 will blanket all of west Texas through early next week. 

The Excessive Heat Warning is in Effect through 9 p.m. Thursday and could be extended.  Officials have also issued a Fire Danger Statement for the entire area until 9 p.m. Thursday as well and Tom Green Co. Commissioners Tuesday issued a Ban on All Outdoor Burning.  

Excessive heat will continue to affect the area through early next week with afternoon high temperatures of 103 or above.  

Along with the warnings and advisories come the standard precautions, stay hydrated, stay out of the sun as much as possible, check on vulnerable friends, relatives and newcomers, and make sure outdoor pets and children have plenty of shade, fresh water and access to food.  Never leave a pet or child in a locked vehicle and bring them inside with you. 

Know and watch for the signs of heat exhaustion and heat stroke in yourself and others.  Heat related illnesses are an emergency.  Call 9-1-1 for anyone experiencing heat related illnesses.  

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