SAN ANGELO – The San Angelo Police Department is advising motorists there is black ice on the streets and roadways and that danger will remain until Thursday.
In a social media post Tuesday morning, the SAPD shared, "The San Angelo Police Department would like to remind the public to please use extreme caution if traveling this morning. Due to the extreme cold temperatures, ice and snow have covered the roads and bridges, and they will be extremely slick. Please follow tips below:
During bad road conditions due to weather, the best thing to do is to stay home if you don't have to go anywhere. If you find yourself having to travel in bad conditions; take your time. Leave early if you have to be somewhere at a required time, so you don't rush. Keep plenty of distance from the vehicle in front of you for stopping. When approaching traffic lights, stop signs, or a turn-off slow down further back than normal. Try to avoid steep hills if possible. If you start to lose traction, let off of the accelerator and do not slam on your brakes, apply the brakes slowly if you have to. As well if traveling, place extra warming layers, food, water, etc. in the vehicle in case of vehicle breakdowns."

San Angelo PD Black Ice Warning (Courtesy/SAPD)
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