AUSTIN — For the next two weeks Texans can take part in the seventh annual Texas Pollinator BioBlitz. In support of the event, organizations and sites around the state will be hosting a variety of events to get people outdoors to observe pollinators of all types in yards, natural areas, gardens, parks and community centers. Of course, you don’t have to visit a particular site to participate; your very own yard or green space will do.
The Pollinator BioBlitz runs from Oct. 7-23, allowing students, citizen-scientists and outdoor enthusiasts of all ages to simply enjoy pollinators of all sorts, or even to take it a step further and help increase the amount of data collected during the peak of fall migration by becoming a citizen scientist. The overall goal of the event is to raise awareness of the diversity and importance of pollinators while bringing greater attention to the critical habitat needs of monarch butterflies and native pollinators across the state.
The BioBlitz is designed to be fun for all ages, with no experience required. Participants are simply asked to look for pollinators, such as bees, butterflies and moths, as well as nectar-producing plants; photograph or take video of them; and share their discoveries online via Instagram or Facebook using the hashtag #TXPollinators.
Participants who would like to take their experience to the next level are encouraged to sign up and record their observations through the iNaturalist application on their phones or home computers. Plant and insect species may be difficult to identify, so observers, can use the “What did you see?” function within the app to see science-based suggestions.
All pollinators and flowering plants posted between Oct. 7-23 will automatically be included in the 2022 Texas Pollinator BioBlitz Project at There is no cost to participate, and the only tools needed are a camera or smartphone and internet access.
“The monarch, our state butterfly and symbol for the Texas Pollinator BioBlitz, is one of the most beautiful and recognizable insects on Earth,” explained Ross Winton, Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) invertebrate biologist. “Unfortunately, monarch populations have declined dramatically over the last 20 years due to loss of overwintering habitat, loss of nectar plants and also milkweed in other parts of its range, on which monarch caterpillars feed. And the monarch tells us a lot about the health of other pollinators too, like the 1000 native bee species that call Texas home. We all depend on the services that these animals provide.”
In addition to the monarch, 30 species of pollinators have been designated as “Species of Greatest Conservation Need” by TPWD. Native butterflies, bees, moths, bats, hummingbirds, wasps, flies and beetles are essential to healthy ecosystems and sustain native plant species, human food crops and crops for livestock. To learn more about the importance of pollinators, sign up to be counted, and locate events across the state, visit the Texas Pollinator BioBlitz website at
Sign up for weekly email updates during the event that will add to the excitement as everyone works together to increase awareness of our pollinators and the availability of their habitat. Join event partners TPWD, National Butterfly Center, Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center, National Wildlife Federation, and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service as we celebrate the importance of pollinators.
It’s easy to get involved. Individuals and families, schools and clubs are all asked to join, observe, identify and share. At this time of year, cooler temperatures across the state also alert bees to eat as much as they can before hibernation begins, so it’s the perfect time to photograph, post and record the insects you see while enjoying the great outdoors.

Bumble Bee (Contributed/
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