New Lake Nasworthy Pier Now Under Construction


SAN ANGELO – Work has begun on the Lake Nasworthy Fishing Pier project. The project is expected to take around seven months to complete.

Lake Nasworthy Pier Concept Drawing (Contributed/COSA)

Lake Nasworthy Pier Concept Drawing (Contributed/COSA)

The old pier between the San Angelo Nature Center and the beach at Mary Lee Park was in disrepair. 

The pier is a popular fishing spot.  


Funding for the project was budgeted after San Angelo voters approved a referendum to use $6 million from the Lake Nasworthy Trust Fund for repairs and upgrades to amenities at the lake.

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CGM5, Fri, 01/28/2022 - 18:20

That old pier takes me back. When we were teenagers we would always go to the pier on Easter weekend and jump from the end of it into that cold water. We had to jump or take the walk of shame all the way back.

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