Grandmother of 12 Sets World Record with 1,575 Pushups in 60 Minutes


ALBERTA, CA - A 59-year-old grandmother from Alberta, Canada, has set a new Guinness World Record by completing 1,575 pushups in just one hour.

DonnaJean Wilde, who achieved the feat on September 28, was officially recognized by Guinness World Records last week. This is Wilde’s second world record, following her previous accomplishment of holding a plank for 4 hours, 30 minutes, and 11 seconds earlier this year.

Eleven of her 12 grandchildren were present to cheer her on, helping her stay motivated as they counted her sets.

The challenge wasn’t without difficulties—Wilde’s shoulder dislocated mid-session but popped back in, allowing her to continue, information stated. Guinness rules required her to fully extend her arms at the top of each pushup and achieve a 90-degree elbow flex at the bottom.

Wilde, who trained by completing 500 pushups daily, hopes her achievements inspire others to remain active.

“I believe that if we stay active and have health and wellness goals, we can age gracefully and powerfully,” she said.

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