US Capitol on Lockdown Following Attack on Police


WASHINGTON, D.C. — The United States Capitol is on lockdown after a suspect rammed into a barricade and killed a police officer. 

According to the US Capitol Police, on Apr. 2, Officers with the USCP responded to the North Barricade vehicle access point along Independence Avenue for reports someone rammed a vehicle into two USCP officers. 

After the suspect hit one officer he proceeded to get out of the car and attempted to stab another. 

Officers shot the suspect and he later died at a nearby hospital. 

So far one officer was killed and another is injured. 

The capitol is now on lockdown due to the incident. 

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MMcSR, Sat, 05/15/2021 - 13:35

Month later and they are saying it was "A normal tour"?? Jan 6th was as bad a terrorist attack as we have ever seen in this country. ALL BECAUSE OF "The Golfer that Cheats, because he sucks".

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