Petroleum Products: Shampoo


It's not just the bottle or the label's glue; heading back into the bathroom today, we’ll look at shampoo, a substance used to clean hair and remove oil and dirt, that’s ironically made primarily from oil, or rather, petrochemicals.

Like laundry detergents, which we discussed last week, shampoos contain surfactants to help them do the cleaning, and these surfactants are often synthetically made from petrochemicals.

Petrochemicals are also found in fragrances and other chemical compounds in shampoos, but there are also a number of natural shampoos on the market which use coconut oils and natural scents instead of their produced counterparts.

Below, a short film on how shampoo is made. Think there’s a big difference between high-dollar concoctions and the cheaper, few-dollar blends? This video might just make you question that.

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