USCIRF Address Two-Year Anniversary of Terrorist Attacks in Paris


WASHINTON, D.C.- A press release from the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) stated that today is the two-year anniversary of the terrorist attacks in Paris. The attacks were on the offices of the Charlie Hebdo magazine and the Hyper Cacher kosher supermarket. 

The press release stated, "During these attacks, 17 people were murdered in what was also an assault on the freedom of religion or belief. The terrorists targeted the staff of Charlie Hedbo, deeming them blasphemers, and the shoppers at the Hyper Cacher market because they were Jewish."

In the two years since the attacks, Europe has had to endure ISIL-inspired terror attacks, a spike in reports of incidents of intolerance against Muslims, both Europeans and foreign refugees and migrants, and the continued persistence of virulent anti-Semitism. 

The press release includes a quote from ESCIRF Chair Rev Thomas J. Reese, S.J. He said, "In the face of these challenges, educational and other measures are desperately needed to strengthen democracy, counter anti-Muslim bias and anti-Semitism, and support the freedom of religion or belief of each and every peaceful practitioner of this precious freedom. People must not be excluded from their neighborhoods, cultures, or societies because of who they are and what they believe. We also must take every opportunity to train religious leaders, educators, and community members to support diverse views and advocate against hate. We have no time to lose."

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