San Angelo H-E-B Employee Tests Positive for COVID-19


SAN ANGELO, TX – H-E-B has confirmed a San Angelo employee has tested positive for COVID-19.

According to the store the employee works at the new H-E-B on Sherwood Way and FM 2288. The positive employee was last in store on June 9th.

The full statement from H-E-B below:

“As COVID-19 continues to impact communities around the world, our H-E-B family of more than 120,000 Partners has not gone unaffected. A Partner who was confirmed positive for COVID-19 was last in the store on June 9, 2020. All directly affected Partners at the location have been notified and the store has been deep cleaned and sanitized multiple times since then. 

“At our stores, we continue to enforce proper social distancing practices, strict sanitation and require the use of masks or facial covering by all our Partners and vendors in customer facing and close contact positions. H-E-B requests all our customers to wear masks or facial coverings while shopping in our stores. Social distancing, wearing masks, proper hand washing, and sanitization are all things we do to help keep Texas healthy.”

“While the pandemic is an evolving situation with many unknowns, we are sure of one thing: We will do our part to help our fellow Texans in any situation our company and communities might face. For the latest company news concerning our coronavirus efforts, visit H-E-B Newsroom.”

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What about directly affected customers?? Have they been notified? This is what I have been saying for a while now. So anyone that has been to the new HEB on or before 9 June, should go get tested because you do not know if you may have had contact with the Partner while you were shopping. Maybe you were looking for something and stopped and asked them for help. Maybe they were your cashier. You don't know, and they aren't telling you. So now I have to go back and see what days I was in the store to see if I should go get tested. And for the people about to say HIPPA.... what about social contact tracing?? doesn't that violate HIPPA? But that is ok to do..... Sorry, cannot pick and choose when we follow the rules. When it comes to the masses SAFETY...... do what is right.

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