Spring Craft Beer Fest Returning to San Angelo This Weekend


SAN ANGELO, TX — Zero One Taproom will host the 3rd Annual Spring Craft Beer Fest on Saturday, March 29.

The event will feature more than a dozen Texas breweries and over 40 beers from the Lone Star State.

Breweries that will be represented include Plateau Brewing Company, Wandering Mind Brewery, Grain Theory, Pondaseta Brewing, Two Docs Brewing Co., Texas Beer Company, Meridian Hive, SoCo Taphouse & Brew Co., Horny Toad Brewery, Martin House Brewing Company, Real Ale Brewing and Tall City Brewing Company.

The event will be held from noon to 6 p.m. Saturday at Zero One Taproom, 59 N. Koenigheim St. There will be live music and local vendors.

Entry is free, but beer samples are reserved for those who purchase a beer band. They are available presale for $35 and at the door for $45. 

VIP tickets are also available for access to unlimited samples, along with a goodie bag, shaded seating and a barbecue buffet. VIP tickets can be bought presale for $55 and at the door for $65.

To purchase tickets, visit the Spring Craft Beer Fest’s event page here.

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