Casting Call Announced for Short Film Set in Sweetwater, Texas


SWEETWATER, TX - A short film set against the backdrop of the World’s Largest Rattlesnake Roundup in Sweetwater, Texas, is seeking local talent from the Abilene and Sweetwater areas. Filming is scheduled for mid-March.

Producers are looking to cast a volunteer medic, referred to as “Nurse,” a speaking role open to individuals of any age. The character is described as a caring but practical community member who helps the protagonists navigate "out of a pickle."

Non-speaking roles are also available for community members from Sweetwater, Abilene, and surrounding areas to appear in various scenes throughout the film.

The project follows the story of a young journalist and her gun-toting grandmother as they travel to Sweetwater, where their cousins host the iconic rattlesnake event.

Interested participants can contact the casting team by calling (917) 548-6853 or emailing [email protected] for more information.

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