Twin Mountain Tonesmen present 'The Elements'


SAN ANGELO, TX — San Angelo’s Award-Winning Men’s Chorus, The Twin Mountain Tonesmen, will present their 45th annual show, “The Elements.”

It will happen on Saturday, April 27th, at 7:29 p.m. in the Murphey Performance Hall. 

The men’s chorus, directed by Mark Clark, will be joined on stage by the special guest headliner quartet "All In" from San Antonio.

“We will perform favorite songs about the Earth, Wind, Fire, and Water and have something for everyone,” Clark said. “We’ve had so much fun preparing for this show.”

Some songs to be performed are Under the Boardwalk, Country Roads, Ring of Fire, Feelin’ Groovy, and many others. 

The show will feature the Tonesmen Chorus, Quartets - The “Cactus Brothers,” “Make Your Mark” from Abilene, and “All In” from San Antonio.

Tickets are $20, available at or, and are general admission.

“We’re very excited to have 'All In' back with us this year,” Clark said. “They were here before in a high school quartet called Bentley Manor. All four are highly trained singers, and they combine their singing and professional showmanship perfectly. They are a huge hit everywhere they go.”

As always, a portion of the proceeds will go to another local non-profit that promotes singing in local schools.

For more information, go to, or call 947-TONE.

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