What Even Is ‘Pi (π) Day’


SAN ANGELO, TX - Today is National Pi π Day, which celebrates the mathematical constant and the nation’s love for pies. 

Pi Day itself dates back to 1988 when physicist Larry Shaw began celebrations at the Exploratorium Science Museum in San Francisco. 

In 2009, Congress designated March 14 as the big day to hopefully spur more interest in math and science. 

“Pi” is a mathematical constant that expresses the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter. It is part of many formulas used in physics, astronomy, engineering, and other fields, dating back thousands of years to ancient Egypt, Babylon, and China.

The day is also Albert Einstein's birthday.

Around the world, many people mark the day with a slice of pie—sweet, savory, or even pizza.

A recent study by Betway utilizing Google search data across all 50 states reveals America’s most and least favorite pies, spotlighting regional preferences and national favorites.

According to the information, Apple pie is America's preferred choice, amassing 1.36 million Google searches annually. 

This flavor leads the pack, followed closely by Key Lime pie with 1.30 million searches, Pumpkin pie at 1.25 million, Sweet Potato pie garnering 1.08 million searches, and Pecan pie with 947.6k searches.

In Texas, the information shows that the state’s favorite pie is Buttermilk Pie.

Conversely, the Killie pie, with a mere 910 Google searches annually, ranks as the least favored in the US. 

Grape Hull pie and Flipper pie also find themselves at the bottom, though the former has seen a 50% increase in searches, indicating a potential rise in popularity.

So, what will your Pi Day pie choice be?

For more information on Pi Day, click here. 

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