Creative Uses for Christmas Trees After the Holidays


SAN ANGELO, TX - As the festive season winds down and the tinsel is carefully packed away, many are left wondering what to do with their once vibrant Christmas trees. 

Fear not, for ServiceMaster Restore is ushering in a new year with a green twist, offering earth-friendly alternatives to repurpose those evergreen wonders that adorn our homes.

What To Do With Your Christmas Tree After Christmas?

1. Pine Needle Mulch: One creative and eco-friendly option is to transform those pine needles into a mulch for your yard or garden. The needles dry quickly, providing a natural and aromatic cover for your outdoor spaces.

2. Recycle Your Tree: Take the sustainable route by checking with your local waste facility for a citywide tree pick-up day. Recycling your Christmas tree ensures it finds a new purpose, contributing to a cleaner and greener community.

3. Natural Bird Feeder: Give your feathered friends a treat by repurposing your tree as a natural bird feeder. Place the tree in your backyard and hang bird feeders from the branches or coat pine cones with peanut butter for a delightful avian buffet.

4. Woodland Habitat: If you're fortunate to have wooded property, consider placing your tree in the woods. Dead trees, like retired Christmas trees, can provide vital shelter for various animals, creating a small sanctuary within your own backyard.

5. Tree Trunk Artistry: Unleash your creativity by repurposing the tree trunk. Cut it into small circles to fashion unique edging for flower beds or pathways, adding a touch of natural elegance to your outdoor spaces.

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