Over a Thousand Hungry Tamale Lovers Hit Downtown San Angelo Over the Weekend


SAN ANGELO, TX – The first annual Tamale Festival that was held over the weekend in downtown San Angelo was a huge hit.

According to the organizers of the event, over 1200 people purchased tickets to get into the 1st annual Famale Festival. The event was held at the pop art museum on Saturday.

Of the 1,200 people who attended, seven entered the tamale eating competition. The competition was fierce with two guys neck and neck at the final seconds. To end the contest the winner, Christian Govea, finished with his hands in the air in under 15 minutes. As for the second place contestant, he regurgitated his masa back onto his plate.

Following the tamale eating contest, the food vendors presented their best tamale from the tamale judging competition. The panel of seven judges tastes each of the vendors tamales and decided that 'Hope & Manuel's Homemade Tamales' were the best. 

"I liked how it was spicy and very favorable," said one judge. "Also the way that none of the masa stuck to the husk proves how good the tamales are.

To try these tamales contact the tamale business by calling (325)450-6908.

Hope and Manuel Homemade Tamales

Hope and Manuel Homemade Tamales

The event also had other things going on including a number of clothing booths, food and drink booths, and live music. Organizers Luis Urteaga and Leo Puga said that because of how successful the event was it will likely continue next year. 

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AR15, Mon, 01/09/2023 - 11:55

1200 people went to the “Pop art museum“, seven entered a tamale eating contest…one guy won one guy puked.

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