Early American Baseball Meeting Set for Ft. Concho


SAN ANGELO – The Col. Abner Doubleday/Judge Howard Green West Texas Chapter of the Society for American Baseball Research (SABR) will host its Hot Stove League winter meeting Saturday, Feb. 12, from 9 a.m. to noonat the Fort Concho Living History Stables classroom on Henry O. Flipper Street. A coffee and donuts social will precede the meeting at 8:30 a.m. Lunch will also be provided. The program is open and free to the public.

If the weather is cooperative, there will be a period baseball demonstration after lunch.

The main speakers will include John Winters, Ph.D., who will address “Oklahoma Ballplayers of Color,” Ron Rainwater, Ed.D., who will speak on “Bible Verses and Baseball, Baseball Jargon with a Biblical Message,” and author Al Pickett who will cover “Four Outs in an Inning and Other Baseball Stories.”

Local chapter president Warren Simpson, Ed.D., of Angelo State University will direct a baseball quiz cowritten by him and Tim Willett. Fort Site Manager Bob Bluthardt will give a short summary of professional baseball in San Angelo between 1900 and 1960. After lunch, Fort Concho Curator of History Cory Robinson will explain and direct the rules for the vintage baseball game.

For more information, contact Warren Simpson at (325) 669-2878 or Bob Bluthardt at (325) 234-0316.

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