Experts: Is It Too Late to Put Up Christmas Lights?


SAN ANGELO – Thanksgiving Day has come and gone and in many areas, putting up Christmas lights and decorations this weekend is a tradition.  

According to however, if you waited until after Thanksgiving, you might be a little late! 

There’s a lot to love about the holiday season: the feeling of togetherness, the joy of celebration, the happiness on kids’ faces.

However, there’s one question we frequently hear homeowners asking: when’s the right time to start putting up lights for the holiday season? Some people complain of Christmas fatigue, saying that Christmas is less special when we celebrate it for months on end. Others just want to enjoy the holiday how and when they want to.

At the end of the day, it’s up to you to decide when you’d like to see your Christmas lights on your property, but below we’ll let you know some common timeframes.

Wait Until Halloween is Over

The most common piece of advice you’ll hear regarding Christmas light timing is to wait until Halloween is over. After all, you want to make sure your property is properly decorated for any trick-or-treaters. As well, it’s hard to get in the holiday spirit when everyone around you is in more of a spooky mood.

Specific Dates to Keep in Mind

Most people say to wait until at least the second or third week of November until installing your Christmas lights. This gives you enough time to take down the Halloween decorations and put up the Christmas decorations.

If you’d prefer, you may also choose to wait until after Thanksgiving.

You Should Put Christmas Lights Up When They’ll Make You Happy

Ultimately, Christmas is about celebrating the joys of life. This means you should put the lights up when they make you happy.

Above we’ve provided typical etiquette rules, but some people like celebrating Christmas in July. Some people even put up Christmas lights to make their children happy during quarantine. Assuming there aren’t any homeowner’s association rules you’d be breaking, determine what would make you happiest and do that.

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