Sports Next Level Announces First Annual 'Next Level BBQ Cook-Off'


SAN ANGELO – Sports Next Level announced Tuesday that it will be holding its first ever bbq cook-off.

According to SNL, on Oct. 23, the 1st annual "Next Level" BBQ Cook-off will be held at 2838 College Hills Blvd. 

The competition will be intense as cooks will be having to deliver Pork Ribs, Brisket, and Chicken.

BBQ teams will have to pay $150 to enter the contest but winners will earn their money back plus some. The "Next Level" BBQ cookout will also be doing $20 jackpot steaks.

For those who would may not be grill masters, SNL will also have washer tournaments, cornhole tournaments, live music and more.

To enter contact SNL at (325)277-0928.

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