Junction Flood Surviving Couple and Dog Featured in ABC's Heart's of Heroes


JUNCTION, TX -- Flood survivors from the Junction flood will be featured on this week's episode of ABC's Hearts of Heroes. 

In October of 2018 the Llano River flooded more than twice its flood stage. During this more than 250 homes were destroyed including Debbie Thomas' home. 

During the flood Debbie, her boyfriend Bobby, and their dog were forced out of their home due to the water. The water eventually rose so high that they had to find a tree to get highground. 

The three were stuck in the tree for five hours until game wardens and tactical DPS officers saved them. The three were very fortunate to make it out because during this flood they found four individuals that drowned.

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Hearts of Heroes is an educational docu-series featuring untold heroic stories of emergency responders in the aftermath of Mother Nature’s most destructive events. The upcoming episode will shine a light on the devastating flooding that can happen in an instant in Hill Country.

The episode will air Saturday at 9:00 a.m. 

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