WATCH: San Angelo Middle Schoolers To Take Stage At Historic Carnegie Hall


SAN ANGELO, TX - Two of San Angelo's up and coming violinists are not only competing for the top chair in the city orchestra but have been selected to compete at the historic Carnegie Hall in New York City this summer. 

Franchesca Untalan of Lee Middle School and Arabella Dunlap of Glenn Middle School outlasted an international pool of talent to showcase what they do best as part of the Middle School Honors Performance Series.

"Not many people get to go to Carnegie Hall and perform and stay in New York," said Franchesca. "It's just amazing."

For Dunlap she's heard of the world-renowned Carnegie Hall, but has yet to experience it.

WATCH: San Angelo's Finest To Perform At World-Renowned Carnegie Hall

"I know that is a world-famous performance hall,' said Dunlap. "I have never seen it and I'm very excited to go into one of the most famous performing places in the world and be apart of an esteemed orchestra of young students."

Both Dunlap and Untalan recently competed for the top violinist chair in the city orchestra. Although Franchesca outlasted her fellow performer both are looking forward to sharing this opportunity together.

"It's been very competitive but fun at the same time," said Untalan. "It's kinda like a friendly competition with your peer and we've just been going at it and we eve take lessons from the same teacher."

Untalan and Dunlap will perform in the "Honors Junior Orchestra" under the direction of renowned composer/conductor Kirt Mosier on June 19-23, in New York City. 





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Big Daddy actually had something positive to say about anything......

There may, repeat....may, be hope for him yet.....

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