Josh Ward Hits No. 1 Again! Read To The Bottom For A Chance To Win...


NASHVILLE, TN —Josh Ward’s latest album “Holding Me Together” continues to slay the radio airwaves. 

His new single “You Don’t Have To Be Lonely” just hit #1 on the Texas Regional Radio Chart this week making it his ninth consecutive #1 hit single. 

All six singles off the critically acclaimed album took the #1 spot and his previous single “Change My Mind” also ranked #8 on the chart’s "Best Songs of 2017." 

It doesn’t seem that long ago when this country music traditionalist was the new kid on the scene, and it didn’t take long for Ward to plant his flag in the rich Texas music soil. 

His 2012 debut album “Promises” generated three #1 singles and his unbelievable rise to the top of the chart hasn’t stopped since then. This is amazing news for Josh to receive just as he is in the studio this month recording his brand new forthcoming album.

“I am so grateful to radio and music fans for being such huge supporters of my music," Ward said. "It is truly amazing to have nine #1 hit singles. Hard work does pay off.”

Working hard is definitely Ward’s sole M.O. 

Breaking into the Texas music scene is an incredibly daunting task even on the best of days. 

The incredible amount of energy and sacrifice needed to accomplish this goal is something many artists find they just can’t stomach. But not Ward. His absolute love for making music and hitting the venue stages is a constant shot of adrenaline that keeps his robust tour schedule in full swing, even while he finds the hours required to go back into the studio to record. 

Ward’s much anticipated forthcoming album is slated for release in the early summer and will no doubt carry on his signature old school country music sound, and a new score of hit singles.  His music is gaining a wide spread audience with over 1 million views on YouTube and over 500,000 streams on Spotify.

"Josh Ward rescued the traditional sound of country music that we were on the brink of losing," said David Millsap of KFYN in Paris, TX. "I was really beginning to wonder if country music fans had forgotten what country music is really supposed to sound like, and thank God Josh Ward has reminded them just in time!  This isn't just my opinion.  It seems to be the opinion of a lot of country music fans because this being Josh's ninth consecutive number one hit speaks volumes about him and his music. He is by far one of the nicest and most talented artists I've ever had the privilege to work with! I can't wait to be blown away by the new album!" 

"I've been a supporter of Josh Ward since day one," said Austin Daniels of KFTX in Corpus Christi. "Now nine #1's in a row! South Texas Radio is ready for nine more! Keep 'em coming!"

Josh Ward performs in San Angelo Feb. 16 at Midnight Rodeo.  For more details and ticket purchasing information click here.

Don't have tickets yet but want to meet this incredible artist when he comes to town? Meet San Angelo Live!'s Brandy Petty at A-B Distributing's Taste Buds Event Feb. 15th and tell her you saw it on Live! She will have five pairs of tickets and meet and greet passes.

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