'Cloggers' from San Angelo to Descend on Branson, Missouri


SAN ANGELO, TX – The Glory Bound Cloggers, from San Angelo, are going to the Clay Cooper Theater stage in Branson, Missouri. 

The Glory Bound Cloggers is a group of—you guessed it—clog dancers that operate out of the San Angelo Cowboy Church at 4015 N Chadbourne St.  This group of 16 ladies, all between the ages of 44 and 80 years old, began in 2000.

Brenda Berry, the group leader, was part of another group in San Angelo that enjoyed clog dancing together.  They performed one night at The Cowboy Church.  Parishioners from the church asked her to begin a new group there and she felt led to bring together three ladies.  The group soon grew from individuals wanting to dance to groups splitting up. One of those groups became known as the Glory Bound Cloggers.

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The Glory Bound Cloggers don't travel often.  They primarily dance, for free, at the rodeo, in parades, at Cactus Market Days, and in nursing homes.  They go to a few "Clogging Rallies," where groups like theirs come together and learn new techniques and discuss their interests, especially their shoes.

One day Brenda received a voice message saying there was someone interested in having them come perform in Branson. Brenda thought it was a scam and ignored the message.

A few weeks later, in May, the caller reached her on the phone and to Brenda's surprise, The Clay Cooper Theater wanted The Glory Bound Cloggers to perform there. Still Brenda was dubious, "Really!?! We aren't a professional group.  We're a bunch of old ladies." But she sent videos of the group anyway, if only to confirm it was truly their group that the theater representative desired. And it was really The Glory Bound Cloggers they wanted!

Although the members of the group add $10 monthly to their "kitty" fund, they don't charge for demonstrations wherever they perform.  So the ladies engaged in heavy fundraising backed by their church family.  In July, they had a large garage sale, later a bake sale, silent auction, spaghetti dinner, and even put on a variety show featuring many local performers as well as their group.  They worked so hard, they achieved the fundraising goal they needed. The trip was on! So they trained all summer for their two performances that are scheduled for Nov. 17 in Branson.

If you have any questions about The Glory Bound Cloggers, would like to donate, book them, or join contact Brenda Berry through her email at [email protected]

Keep the group of ladies in your prayers as they travel to Branson and back.  Good Luck!

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