SAN ANGELO, TX – Last night the Angry Cactus had it's Midnight at the Masquerade and it was an extremely fun way to spend a holiday adult style.
The actors did a wonderful job of engaging the attendees in the events not only with including surprising some attendees with assignments as "suspects," but also giving out clues and money for bribes purchase answers from suspects to aid your group in solving the murder mystery who done it that unfolded in front of diner's eyes.
Between the additions to lighting and decor, costumed actors leading the entertainment and the glorious meal served it is hard to imagine a more entertaining way to enjoy an upscale dinner out. Every dish served was plated and designed for the enjoyable experience to continue beyond mere eating dinner.
BUT the foooooood... there is no way for pictures to do the meal justice an interesting take on the classic Waldorf, the Beef Wellington with delightful mushrooms hidden within the pastry, and a well balanced desert of raspberry mousse and chocolate cake.
Stay up to date with everything amazing happening at the Angry Cactus and keep your eyes peeled for the next opportunity to enjoy a mystery dinner done fantastic here.
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