SAN ANGELO, TX — Tickets go on sale Tuesday morning at the San Angelo Stock Show and Rodeo Office located at 200 west 43rd for the 64th Annual Cinch Roping Fiesta.
Over 60 of the world’s best Tie-Down and Steer Ropers compete October 27-29th at the San Angelo Fairgrounds Outdoor and 1st Community Spur Arena.
Watch the World’s Richest Tie-Down Match roping when Caleb Smidt challenges Ryan Jarrett for the title on 12 head October 28th for a winner-takes-all $20,000.
Party, visit, and dance until midnight on Saturday night the 28th at the Buffalo Social Club to Matt Kimbrow. Opening for Kimbrow will be Shane Watson.
The San Angelo Stock Show and Rodeo Association initiated the Roping Fiesta in 1954 as a way to help generate revenue for the association in the off season from the stock show and rodeo. The Roping Fiesta has always been at least a two day event, though the events featured have varied to include calf roping, team roping, steer wrestling, steer roping and double mugging.
Calf Roping became one of the two staples of the Roping Fiesta in 1962, when the committee added a match roping. A match roping is two contestants facing off on a set number of calves for the coveted title. Match ropings require not only great physical ability, but mental stamina as well.
Steer Roping is the foundation of the Roping Fiesta, and the one dominant event that has always been held. This event is truly one that was developed from ranching techniques to help doctor animals in pasture or field settings. As the number of steer roping events across the nation continue to decrease, we are proud to offer this event in preserving western heritage.
The Roping Fiesta dirt has seen as many national qualifiers and world champions in men's timed events, as just about any arena you will find. The event serves as a great reunion for roping enthusiasts from across the nation, and is a bit of a homecoming for all West Texans.
New in 2017
In a first-time collaboration, 34 award-winning artists, painting in one of the top plein air competitions in the country, will capture on canvas the fast-paced action of the 30 best Tie-Down and Steer Ropers in the world, who are competing at arguably the most prestigious invitational roping event in the world.
It all happens in San Angelo, Texas at the 64th Annual San Angelo Roping Fiesta, October 27-29, and the 4th Annual EnPleinAirTEXAS, October 21-29, 2017. “En plein air” is the French term for painting in the open air.
The two groups converge at the San Angelo Fairgrounds on Saturday, October 28, for the “Rope Yourself a Painting” Day.
First, the public is invited Saturday morning, October 28 to wander and watch during an Open Paint-Out on the fairgrounds. From 9 to 11:30 a.m., the EnPleinAirTEXAS (EPAT) Competition Artists and any area artist wishing to register and participate, will complete a painting in that area during the allotted time. Artists choose from the indoor roping competition at the Spur Arena, the Junior Livestock Show with over 400 youth and their animals, or any of the roping fiesta areas with the cowboys and their horses. Visit their website for more information:
Ticket information is available at the SASSR website Roping Fiesta ticketing page.
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